Choosing A New iPhone 16 Without Going Crazy

Update: We have a winner. Made the jump to an iPhone 16 Pro natural color. :)
Quick Note: I Didn’t Manage It
Hello and welcome to October (which started 2 weeks ago). For those of you who are not in those special privileged countries that get access to the latest Apple products about a week after launch…. October means “we can buy them too!” month.
So Apple so lovingly tried to make it really easy to choose this year - 4 models (iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max). In an attempt to level the playing field, the iPhone 16 / iPhone 16 Plus are more or less the same, only a different size. And the iPhone 16 Pro / iPhone 16 Pro are the same, except for a different size (and battery size as well).
To make things even “easier”, the non-pro phones this year are REALLY close to the Pro phones in features. There are about 1,000,000 reviews of these phones on the internet, so I won’t add one here. But I will say this:
Coming from an iPhone 13 Pro Max, wanting a physically smaller phone but loving a physically larger screen, the decision is really. difficult.
Still haven’t decided, and this article is more of a rant about how difficult it is to choose tech when you know all the tiny tech details. At this time of year I kinda envy those who base their decision on simpler details, such as, “I want a pink one”, or “I just want the same version I have now, only the new version”.
Moral of the story: Sometimes having all the information just means that decision-making is a PITA. Sometimes, I guess, ignorance *is* bliss. :)
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