Not My Fault...App Default

This was last updated on Jul 8, 2024

This little list appears to be making the rounds – I found it here at Manuel Moreale’s website, and looks like he stumbled upon it from another site.  Indeed it does look fun, so sharing my version here:

  • Mail Client: Apple Mail
  • Mail Server: Bouncing between iCloud and
  • Notes: Apple Notes
  • To-Do: Apple Notes
  • Photo Shooting: Apple Camera
  • Photo Management: Apple Photos
  • Calendar: Apple Calendar
  • Cloud File Storage: iCloud & OneDrive
  • RSS: NetNewsWire
  • Contacts: Apple Contacts
  • Browser: Safari for home/work; Firefox for work
  • Chat: WhatsApp (unfortunately), Apple Messages
  • Bookmarks: None
  • Word Processing: Microsoft Word
  • Spreadsheets: Excel, Numbers
  • Presentations: No, no, no, no
  • News: Try to avoid, but in-browser
  • Music: Spotify (I really tried, Apple Music, but just didn’t work)
  • Password Management: Bitwarden
  • Blog / Website: Publii
  • Code Editor: Sublime Text
  • Screenshots: Dropshare
  • Domain Registrar: Cloudflare

Photo used:


Mike Walsh, based in Villarrica, Chile, is a front-end website designer & developer and translator. His blog features tech insights, humor, observations on live, and showcases his web design and development projects.